For this week’s blog I decided to feature Waitress, another award-winning musical being featured in Curtain Call’s March Cabaret. To be honest, I had to do my research this week for the blog. I’m not familiar with Waitress, but after learning more about the show I can understand it’s appeal and draw. To step into the world of Waitress this week I decided to make an ice cream pie and share how the pieces of the pie relate to Curtain Call. I guess you could say I became Jenna, the main character of the show and skilled pie-maker, for an afternoon. I have to say the finished product was quite delicious.

1. I started with the graham cracker crust, which I consider to be the cast and production team. In order to mount a performance you need to have a strong base. Curtain Call boasts a talented group with a wide array of skills. Due to these assets they have created a strong foundation for their work.
2. Next came the frozen yogurt, which to me is the musical numbers the group has chosen to perform. In order to keep the audience engaged and intrigued by your work one needs to choose strong musical numbers that tell a story. A high level of authenticity should be captured within each piece when performed as well.
3. One of my favorite parts of the pie was the oreo crumble. I was able to use Olympic themed oreos in this ice cream pie, which made me quite happy. Go Team USA! The oreos are the additional production elements added to each performance. This could be a prop or costume piece. They are not essential to telling the story, but they have the ability to enhance the performance and further transport audience members to the appropriate setting or time period.
4. Next was an added layer of frozen yogurt. You can’t go wrong with more musical numbers.
5. It was then time for the pie’s cool whip or the personal touches each performer adds. The beautiful thing about theatre is no two performances are ever the same. Each production ebbs and flows as production teams change or actors swap in and out of roles. Every performer and production member in Curtain Call bring their own touch to their art. Individual character development is always welcomed and encouraged at Lynchburg College.

6. The chocolate drizzle is the anticipation and excitement that stems from Curtain Call performances and gatherings. It’s the extra flavor added to the pie. Each time you make the pie this ingredient can change, just like all performances are one of a kind.
7. What would ice cream pie be without sprinkles? In this case, I mean the audience members at Curtain Call performances. Theatre is meant to be shared. Audiences add a colorful touch and brightness to the group.
8. Lastly, every good pie should be a celebration. Candles represent the shimmers of excitement and joy people feel from Curtain Call.
Being Jenna for an afternoon was fun and a great idea for character study. I cannot wait to see the unique approach each performer brings to the Waitress songs in Curtain Call’s March Cabaret. Check out some of the cast member’s points of view regarding Waitress below.
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