Curtain Call Meet and Greet with Tidtaya Sinutoke
The last composer in our Curtain Call Meet and Greet feature is Tidtaya Sinutoke. Tidtaya hails from Thailand where theatre was uncommon, but when she moved to the United States she found her passion, theatre.
Like so many other Curtain Call writers she was drawn to storytelling. The stories could be made up or based off something she had read. Interestingly enough her life as a composer didn’t begin until graduate school at New York University. She loves creating pieces with individual artists, which is what she’s been able to do with Curtain Call.
She shared, “the song is called "Belong" and it starts off with the idea of ambiguity of life. However, as a female composer, I do think that even though we might feel uncertainty about the future, we always persist and find our own way. So that's probably the journey of the song.”
Check out “Belong” this Sunday, April 29th at 7:30pm on the Dillard Mainstage. I can’t wait to experience Tidtaya’s work in action!
Information Regarding Lynchburg College’s Curtain Up Songwriting Workshop: This inaugural program was created by the Lynchburg College Theatre Department and James Ballard, the program’s Artistic Director, featuring the new musical theatre ensemble, Curtain Call. The program will connect students to musical theatre songwriters in the business. The composers/lyricists are writing songs specifically for the group that will be performed in their April Curtain Up Writers Cabaret.
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